Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
Part Three: The name of the game.
Part Four: The get out of jail card.
Part Five: Blaming Muggins.
And here is where the Ministry of Medical Truth's reformulating the meaning of the world nocebo, is the new scientific paradigm. Their aim is to rescue an industry annually teetering on the edge of the next scandal.
On the one hand, they need definable effects, and credible proof which is difficult, because as Manfred Schedlowski says, "… we know the nocebo effect can be really really large… this hinders development of new drugs.” And “the nocebo effect may also have a really worrisome effect on vaccine use".
Oh yes, you can create fear, to make people use vaccines, but when parents say that vaccines cause reactions, you can’t study that, because It's all "nocebo" caused by parents reading the facts from the vaccine datasheets. And as Dr Bernadine Healy stated:
“Healy said: "There is a completely expressed concern that they don't want to pursue a hypothesis because that hypothesis could be damaging to the public health community at large by scaring people. "First of all," Healy said, "I think the public's smarter than that. The public values vaccines. But more importantly, I don't think you should ever turn your back on any scientific hypothesis because you're afraid of what it might show."
Yet that’s exactly what they have done. The medical system has turned their backs on FACTS because they are afraid of the truth that those facts might confirm that it's not nocebo at all, but that being biologicals, meaning that they do affect the biology of the person, vaccines do indeed have the potential to wreck lives. THEREFORE they invoke the placatory placebo principles and make sure that all research only asks questions and uses methods designed to dismiss what parents see, return to business as normal, and not to get to the bottom of any of the issues.
"Worried Sick" tells us that nocebo increases the “incidence of asthma and allergies… we know an allergic reaction can be conditioned.”
I couldn’t help laughing at the last quote, because for a very long time, I have believed that vaccines in babies result in a fundamental changing of the immune system, resulting, amongst other things, in an increase in allergy and asthma:
1. Vaccines and neonatal immune development 23-May-2011
2. How a baby fights infection and develops the immune system 24-May-2011
3. Can vaccines become cranial and immunological cluster bombs? 25-May-2011
Please note in the three blogs above, that EVERYTHING I say comes from medical articles for which links are provided. Ask yourself this. Did all the immunologists who wrote the things I discussed suffer from a nocebo delusion that what they saw was real? Yes, an allergic reaction can be conditioned: … by deviant immune responses to allergens and vaccines, but that isn’t what this article is meaning. It's all in your imaginations, mammas!!!
And here’s the interesting thing. Just about every second child you meet these days, appears to have some dairy sensitivity or a gluten intolerance – the list is legion.
The article infers that these allergies and asthma are a new form of nocebo, and that, the children are the victims of a psychologically deranged parental child abuse.
Why parents would want to make their lives into that sort of hell beats me, but it seems that this is where the medical profession is heading with this argument. Everything will soon be your fault!
I wonder what would happen in the unfortunate scenario that I landed up in hospital from a car crash? Here's the imaginary discussion:
Dr: "I see your medic alert says you're allergic to all antibiotics. Can you describe the symptoms please?"
Me: Well, my neck and face swell up like a balloon, and I start choking and can't breathe. And usually don't remember much after that."
Dr: "Well, never mind. We know that's all caused by nocebo effects, and was all in your mind. That won't happen again now that you know your hypochondria caused it, so we'll just go ahead and use what we like...."
You know why that wouldn't happen. Because the medical system would be sued to Mars and back again.
Don't you think it's bizarre, that you can legitimately be allergic to drugs, anaesthetics and a whole raft of things, but suddenly they are framing allergies and asthma as being a psychosocially induced disease?
And you can see WHY this shift in language...., because the sheer numbers of drugs and vaccine reactions being brought up by parents and people to their doctors is staggering. Reactions of any sort financially threaten an industry which wants to look benevolent and convince us all that they are not capable of doing any harm at all.
THEREFORE the focus must come away from drugs and onto people….. No doubt, the end aim of that, will be the new vaccine, Pluracydafex which will abolish patient nocebo forever!!! (see Pages 82, 118, 132-133, and 147 in our 2008 book, "From One Prick to Another". PDF can be got here.)
They want to research nocebo to nail the issues down and come up with their version of scientific data....., but they have a huge problem. Paul Enck a psychologist at the University of Tubingen Germany, puts it in a nutshell when he says that "he can’t study nocebo ‘ “..unless I tell the subjects that I’m deceiving them” a requirement that obviously defeats the purpose of the deception."
But wait. They have come up with a nifty solution……
To be continued.
Reforming Nocebo
Hilary Butler - Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hilary's Desk
These are some of Hilary's latest blogs:
- Polio: Behind the curtain. 20-Sep-2021
- Are you thinking? 18-Sep-2021
- No mumps jab? Stay home: school 22-Nov-2017
- Chickenpox: A new, dreaded disease? 30-Jun-2017
- Fake bait on a plate. 18-Jun-2017
- Why so much hot air, Dr Lush?. 17-Jun-2017