“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Dear Dr Moulden

Hilary Butler - Saturday, October 18, 2008

I notice that you made a "resume" on the 18th October 2008, which you have put on your website. There's just a few problems and they are big ones in my opinion.

A CV is supposed to be a professional document.  I've downloaded the pdf, and I'm putting it up here on my blog, just so that people can see for themselves what it looks like, in the event you decide to change it.


1)   Is this what you expect from a doctor who supposedly values his professionalism and spends much time emphasizing what a wonderful student he was?

2)   Is it normal to put in a CV, a long list of documents not yet written or published?

3)   If I produced that quality of resume in the hope that you would consider me professional and diligent enough to employ me, would you?

Just thinking out loud.

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