Yesterday, we were greeted by the headline “No mumps jab? Stay home: school”.
This morning, we were greeted by the TVNZ headline, “Watch: Down goes another! All Blacks lose Ardie Savea to third case of mumps on end-of-year tour” We hear that a third, fully vaccinated All Black catches mumps. Seemingly the isolation of the previous case did nothing for transmission, and neither did the vaccination.
But let’s go back to yesterday’s Herald headline:
“No mumps jab? Stay home: school” Interesting headline don’t you think?
Not: “Unvaccinated child infects St Peter’s with mumps”
Nor: “St Peter’s school mumps index case vaccinated”
Instead. a school which SHOULD have had a vaccination register in place decades ago listing the vaccination history of every child, makes the issue about some 'offender child' whose parents committed a crime in choosing not to vaccinate and “owned up” . . . so the school sent the child to home-jail for 12 days. And because of his jail time, he will miss exams and a camp.
Please read the article.
So now we also blame immigrants?
Perhaps this graph will put it all into perspective.
Consider the following information resulting from Official information Act requests:
1) Vaccinated children with no documented history of vaccines considered unvaccinated
2)Mumps cases for the last five years – how classified, ages etc. Take your time and analyse well.
Now consider this visual from the 2017 New Zealand Immunisation handbook .
NZ is well above even the highest figure required for herd immunity.
Now ask yourself these questions:
How is it that there are so many vaccinated mumps cases, if vaccinating every child will stop the epidemic?
How is it that so many children are classified as unvaccinated because doctors didn’t enter vaccination data into the practice computer system?
How is it that the outbreaks in USA in the last decades have occurred primarily in 100% vaccinated campuses or communities.
Might it be that the mumps vaccine just doesn’t work the way IMAC says it should?
How does the inability of doctors to record vaccines, affect the statistical manipulation derived from the Excel document? Is this just a New Zealand phenomenon?
No. The fact is that EVEN IF you have accurate vaccine status reporting, the provaccine will continue to manipulate data to further their own rhetoric, just like they did in the recent Washington State mumps outbreak
Please copy and paste the URL below. For whatever reason it won't embed.
I’m sure IMAC will familiarise themselves with such advantageous jiggery-pokery. After all, the masses won’t notice, will they?
No mumps jab? Stay home: school
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Hilary's Desk
These are some of Hilary's latest blogs:
- Polio: Behind the curtain. 20-Sep-2021
- Are you thinking? 18-Sep-2021
- No mumps jab? Stay home: school 22-Nov-2017
- Chickenpox: A new, dreaded disease? 30-Jun-2017
- Fake bait on a plate. 18-Jun-2017
- Why so much hot air, Dr Lush?. 17-Jun-2017