“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Hilary's Desk

Reply Number two to Paul Hutchison

Hilary Butler - Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dear Paul,  On rethinking your email to me, and given that you are our electorate member of parliament, I feel I need to address a few issues to you more thoroughly. You say: Dear Hilary The Herald article was written by Adam Bennett. Mr Bennett has made it clear that those with a documented 'conscientious objection' would not be penalised. I absolutely agree with this. (As I am sure you are a...

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Be a good little early bird please?

Hilary Butler - Monday, January 25, 2010
You know the old saying, “where there’s smoke there’s fire”. In the World Health Organisation’s case, it’s a blazing inferno. Not only is Dr Fukuda fighting for WHO’s reputation through clenched teeth, he appears not to realise just how deep is the hole he’s digging for himself is. What Fukuda also forgets is that not everyone is ignorant to the machinations of drug companies, so let’s take a w...

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Part Three Carm and Jasmine Renata

Hilary Butler - Monday, January 04, 2010
In October 2009, Rhonda Renata emailed me about the death of her daughter Jasmine on 22nd September 2009. She had emailed John Key, Tony Ryall, and a few others and had got the usual fluff political responses from a dogma-ingrained system. From the time of Jasmine’s death, she had scoured the internet and found many cases of Gardasil recipients who had had similar stories to Jasmine. She wanted...

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Part 4 of 4 Offiteerers beliefs

Hilary Butler - Sunday, November 29, 2009
WE mothers are not the crème de la crème of society. WE did not go to medical school. WE are mere mothers, who can’t possibly understand all medical science. And WE know this, because they infer so, in their medical articles about us. And in lay-press articles, we hear patronising messages such as vaccines being just like “hard hats”, “seat belts” and “steel-capped boots”. Strange. NONE of thos...

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Part 3 of 4 Offiteerers’ cognitive dissonance

Hilary Butler - Saturday, November 28, 2009
  If provaccine people saw that there were barking up the wrong tree, and acted on it, they would immediately be isolated from their peers as if they were some virulent plague. Their revered “experts” who are pretty much the only social group they have known for years, would all look at them, point the finger and shout, “TRAITOR”. The "turncoat" would lose all their friends (and income) in o...

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Part 1 of 4 Offiteerers’ remorse

Hilary Butler - Thursday, November 26, 2009
At a recent annual provaccine conference, it is reported that delegates expressed remorse at “strong arm” tactics. Could it be that the MenZB vaccination campaign, and the latest Gardasil efforts, have seriously backfired in their faces? People are sick of being emotionally blackmailed with drama-queen DVD’s about “How you will die if you don’t” or “Vaccination is the right thing to do, because...

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Unskeptical skeptics

Hilary Butler - Friday, November 20, 2009
Over the last few years, there has been an unprecedented attack on anything loosely described as “alternative” medicine, by those who call themselves skeptics. A recent event amused me. An acquaintance of mine, who in the same breath says he’s a greenie who believes in science, also revealed he had cancer. He props up the pharma companies handsomely, but he can afford to. Taking him at his w...

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Bodily Matters

Hilary Butler - Sunday, August 30, 2009
"Bodily Matters” by Nadja Burbach. First, a background to my review: 20 years ago, my then GP, whose thesis was on smallpox, expressed surprise that I could have accepted without investigation, the medical dogma which stated that the smallpox vaccine saved the world from much misery, and vanquished Smallpox. Like most people today, I’d absorbed the “stories” from school and thought no further...

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Mandatory Vaccination

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Making vaccines compulsory, isn't something you hear much about in New Zealand media, BUT... if we aren't careful, mandatory vaccination will become law in this country. While those who tweak the strings around the wrists of politicians have kept very quiet in public, in private, there have been, and are, far more intense discussions going on about making vaccines mandatory, than ever before. H...

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"One Less" selective thinking

Hilary Butler - Saturday, February 28, 2009
In the Escape section of Sunday Star Times, March 1, 2009, journalist Karen Tay, who admits to viewing beauty and skincare products as sacred miracle potions, was researching their true cost to her body, and the environment. “While researching this story, I learnt many unpleasant truths about my beauty products…” She discovered that some cosmetics claiming to be natural were not necessarily so...

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Letter to the Bunker

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Such is life. I couldn't answer the letter in November's Health Options fully, and my reply won't be published until February. For those chafing at the bit to know what I would say, you will find it here:

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1 of 5 Whose world is in your head?

Hilary Butler - Saturday, November 08, 2008
Have you ever been told by a medical professional looking at your five week old baby, that you can’t take you baby out into that big bad world until the first shots have been given, because otherwise your child might die? A new 2008 comment is the admonition that Prevnar is vital, because “it’s such a serious disease.” So serious, that, as page 16 of this powerpoint shows,  “Only a Handful of...

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Fleas, the good, the bad and the very ugly

Hilary Butler - Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ever wondered about paediatricians who blog? This is one time where it would be of educational value to read all the embedded links. The full implications of some types of medical "practice" might not sink in, unless you do. Once upon a time, when I was still on Mothering, a mother told her story of her child who had seizures after her first DPT (whole cell vaccine) and who died aged 8 and a h...

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Mothers overcome fear with natural prozac

Hilary Butler - Monday, October 13, 2008
"Ah yes. Strange title. In fact, Hilary, you have altered it somewhat...." That I have.  This stunner of an article in the Herald from Reuters had me shaking my head. We shouldn't be talking about mice: lets talk about mothers! The article says: "Mice forced to swim endlessly until they surrendered and just floated, waiting to drown, could be conditioned to regain their will to live when a ton...

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Film Review - "Orgasmic Birth"

Hilary Butler - Thursday, October 09, 2008
“Orgasmic Birth” is an awesome film, in the true sense of the word, talking to the deepest needs of women, at the gut, emotional, and intellectual level. In one sense, words fail me. The film follows home birthing parents growing and being reborn as different people, fulfilling their full potential of parenthood, and in particular womanhood. Interwoven are scenes of emotionally...

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More taxpayer-funded Gardasil propaganda

Hilary Butler - Friday, September 05, 2008
I sit here looking at the latest Ministry of Health HE2013 taxpayer funded propaganda for the "Cervical cancer Vaccine", Gardasil.  It's a 21 board-page 'quick flipchart', which tells you nothing more than the two websites mentioned in the last blog. Being information for Health Professionals and young women (which makes you think that they are treating young women with as much respect as ...

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"Winning words"

Hilary Butler - Sunday, August 31, 2008
Today's Sunday Star Times, has a letter penned by Paul Rutherford, Karori, Wellington. It's tragic that Rutherford (hopefully) "believes" the words he actually penned; sobbingly sad that the Sunday Star Times printed them at all, and indicative of the appalling state of knowledge in the media today, when editors and journalists at the Sunday Star Times, can't see how off the mark the letter was...

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Point of Difference

Hilary Butler - Saturday, August 23, 2008
Funny how “debate” about the MENZB vaccine, becomes acceptable to the Herald, when it comes from the mouths of IMAC, rather than “anti-immunisation extremists”. But here’s the puzzle. The so-called “anti-immunisation extremists” sounding off in 2004 was primarily pro vaccine Ron Law, whose primary quibble was the hiding of just this sort of information. Funny too. He provided that information t...

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Immunise your children

Hilary Butler - Friday, August 15, 2008
About now, your local doctor and nurses will have been provided with the Ministry of Health’s July 2008 latest propaganda DVD called “Immunise your Children”.  This DVD will come as no surprise to those who have listened to the increasingly dictatorial and strident messages behind the closed doors of the annual IMAC immunisation conferences, or who saw the writing on the wall with IMAC’s 1...

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