Hilary's Desk
Jeremy Muir - Walking on barbed wire.
Hilary Butler - Friday, June 16, 2017
Yesterday, Jeremy Muir, editor of the Gisborne Herald, published this editorial. The debate started as a result of Dr Lance O’Sullivan’s public antics.
Part of the editorial says:
“If anti-vaccination protagonists cannot provide peer-reviewed research that has been published in respected journals, and not later retracted, this subject will soon be closed as a matter for ...
Schools: the new "Animal Farm"
Hilary Butler - Sunday, June 11, 2017
In today’s Herald on Sunday was an article about Waitetuna school near Raglan, where the school principal agreed to allow a midwife to show a film about the other side of vaccines on the school premises, but the board of Trustees overturned her agreement, on the basis that the topic was controversial.
I have a question. What are schools for?
Education, or social engineering? George ...
Vaccines: Safe, Effective and saved the world!
Hilary Butler - Monday, June 05, 2017
Vaccines: Safe, Effective and saved the world! This is what doctors say when parents asked about vaccines. Side-effects... "oh maybe fussiness and a sore arm...". But the vaccine inserts which are tossed into the rubbish tin, should be given to the parents? Is there something doctors don’t want parents to see?
Every parent has the right to full and correct factual inf...
Bait on a Plate
Hilary Butler - Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Many will have seen and heard the verbal antics of bioevangelist Dr Lance O’Sullivan, along with the media salivating on his bone, followed by Toby Manhire’s rant called “Dangerous tripe of the anti-vaxxers”.
Bioevangelists believe that medical science has an exclusive mortgage on answers to public health issues. They go about proselytizing all and sundry to...
Polly Gillespie - when truth matters
Hilary Butler - Monday, May 16, 2016
Polly Gillespie is not one for letting the facts get in the way of an emotive story, even when it concerns the tragic death of her sister. Polly got her sister’s cause of death wrong, her sister’s age wrong, the day she was admitted to hospital wrong, and the day she died wrong. In addition, Polly thought nothing of dishing out hate and literal threats of violence to individuals who...
"Going Viral" Part 2.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 16, 2015
As a follow up to Sunday’s Gardasil documentary called “Going Viral” and my yesterday’s blog (which I posted on Sunday’s facebook page), this morning I received email notification of this reply.
All mistakes are his, not mine:
Callum MacRae
April 15 at 11:03am
As one of the Wellington High students in the piece, I'd like to tell you...
"Going Viral" - Gardasil fact or fiction?
Hilary Butler - Monday, April 13, 2015
This Sunday's SUNDAY programme called Going Viral, used national TV and Dr Miller to imply to children, "You can either get a vaccine, or you can get cancer." Then the children sat there with Ian Sinclair saying, “The government should let us have this vaccine free.” The kids were so grateful for Dr Miller’s story.
But there is a huge problem with this unethical ...
Reforming Nocebo
Hilary Butler - Thursday, July 18, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
Part Three: The name of the game.
Part Four: The get out of jail card.
Part Five: Blaming Muggins.
And here is where the Ministry of Medical Truth's reformulating the meaning of the world nocebo, is the new scientific paradigm. Their aim is to rescue an industry annually teetering on the edg...
Just Trust Us....
Hilary Butler - Thursday, July 18, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
Part Three: The name of the game.
Part Four: The get out of jail card.
Part Five: Blaming Muggins.
Part Six: Reforming Nocebo.
The solution for the medical system? It’s pretty simple really. If you aren't allowed to "deceive" people, to research what happens when they are deceived,&nb...
Blaming Muggins
Hilary Butler - Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
Part Three: The name of the game.
Part Four: The get out of jail card.
As I look at young mothers today, I see a generation who, like never before, have been so saturated with medical nocebo in school, .... that fear and stress is often etched on their faces at the mention of the word “doctor”. They h...
The name of the game.
Hilary Butler - Sunday, July 14, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
The Scientist’s article “Worried Sick” confirms that nocebo and placebo are a primary drivers in medical practice, by their statement: “In places like primary care, people are swimming in placebo and nocebo effects.”
Placebo is defined as: “a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for ...
The Bell tolls but who is listening?
Hilary Butler - Monday, July 01, 2013
The news that CSL refuses to take responsibility for flu vaccines which cause seizures in Saba Button, an Australian child, should toll the bell and wake a few people up.Look at CSL's reasoning:
“In a defence filed in court last week, CSL lawyer Belinda Thompson claimed Saba had two other shots, Neisvac and Priorix, on the same day and alleged they may have caused febrile convulsions a...
How to get sick. Have the flu vaccine.
Hilary Butler - Monday, May 27, 2013
It would seem that tentative toes have entered medical debate over flu vaccines. Ever so tentative. Almost apologetic actually, which is bizarre, if you look closely at 60 years of very clear medical evidence that the flu vaccine has always performed exceptionally poorly. But there is another issue here, and it's the "myth" which the medical profession tries to disp...
Are non vaccinators the "new Jews"?
Hilary Butler - Friday, May 17, 2013
The year 1997 in Australia is etched in my mind, because 17 years ago, the then Minister of Health, Dr Michael Wooldridge, started a fraudulent media campaign stating that Australia's childhood vaccination rates were 53%. This figure was not only splattered over the Australian Media... it made it into the New Zealand Herald. It didn't matter to him, or the media, that the data he provided...
Vax-ganda - Idiotspeak or Bullseye?
Hilary Butler - Monday, February 25, 2013
The flu vaccine doesn’t work, and never has since that fact was first publicly outed in USA in 1971, and in 1972, there was a USA congressional hearing (S.3419) about it. It had been sold every year from 1940 through to 1975 with almost no potency and DBS (now the FDA) didn’t give a caber toss.
However, as time passed, the public forgot. The vaccine manufacturers started...
Whooping cough and chameleons.
Hilary Butler - Saturday, August 18, 2012
Following on from the medieval war of words on measles......., lies, emotional blackmail, weasel words and chameleon science is also being purveyed in the whooping cough battle.
Starting with the most obvious, is Vaccinet’s trumpeting headline about a Washington whooping cough outbreak recently that: "Anti-vaccine movement causes the worst whooping cough epidemic in ...
More Herald Flu Propaganda.
Hilary Butler - Sunday, July 22, 2012
Yesterday I wrote a blog about the Sunday Herald flu propaganda, which resulted in the Herald removing the original article and replacing the Sunday on Herald emotional blackmail with different Pap. Not content with that, the vaccine "stakeholders" must have also said, "Oi, while we're on the phone, can we rope in Rudman? He's pretty gullible..." and on cue, he pr...
New Zealand Herald's usual Flu propaganda
Hilary Butler - Saturday, July 21, 2012
Today, the Herald printed it's usual annual flu propaganda (I've removed the URL) and a private email to the reporters who put their names to it, was returned. The Herald doesn't allow enough words on the comment facility to deal with the issues, and they only want videos or photos, not facts. Therefore, this blog will address the issues.
Addendum 22 July 2012. The HERALD removed the o...
Close-Up on whooping cough, part One.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, May 17, 2012
Close Up's programme on whooping cough, was a triumph of emotional blackmail using a cute baby with whooping cough, to push a policy which doesn't work. But worse than that, was the standard of discussion on Close up's facebook page. You know that eminence based manipulation has truly scraped the bottom of the barrel when Grant Jacobs obliquely counsels all readers not...
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