Hilary's Desk
Reforming Nocebo
Hilary Butler - Thursday, July 18, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
Part Three: The name of the game.
Part Four: The get out of jail card.
Part Five: Blaming Muggins.
And here is where the Ministry of Medical Truth's reformulating the meaning of the world nocebo, is the new scientific paradigm. Their aim is to rescue an industry annually teetering on the edg...
Just Trust Us....
Hilary Butler - Thursday, July 18, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
Part Three: The name of the game.
Part Four: The get out of jail card.
Part Five: Blaming Muggins.
Part Six: Reforming Nocebo.
The solution for the medical system? It’s pretty simple really. If you aren't allowed to "deceive" people, to research what happens when they are deceived,&nb...
Blaming Muggins
Hilary Butler - Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
Part Three: The name of the game.
Part Four: The get out of jail card.
As I look at young mothers today, I see a generation who, like never before, have been so saturated with medical nocebo in school, .... that fear and stress is often etched on their faces at the mention of the word “doctor”. They h...
The name of the game.
Hilary Butler - Sunday, July 14, 2013
Part One: Words from Memory Lane.
Part Two: Who controls the rhetoric?
The Scientist’s article “Worried Sick” confirms that nocebo and placebo are a primary drivers in medical practice, by their statement: “In places like primary care, people are swimming in placebo and nocebo effects.”
Placebo is defined as: “a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for ...
Are non vaccinators the "new Jews"?
Hilary Butler - Friday, May 17, 2013
The year 1997 in Australia is etched in my mind, because 17 years ago, the then Minister of Health, Dr Michael Wooldridge, started a fraudulent media campaign stating that Australia's childhood vaccination rates were 53%. This figure was not only splattered over the Australian Media... it made it into the New Zealand Herald. It didn't matter to him, or the media, that the data he provided...
BABY FORMULA - choice or denial?
Hilary Butler - Saturday, October 06, 2012
It is time the discussion about breast milk changed to fact, not denial. Yes, there should be labels on formula, just as there are labels on cigarettes.
But if formula feeding parents really mean business in terms of accepting that breast is best, then they should be campaigning for a nationwide breast milk bank.
It is also important that people like Lisa Watson, understand a wee bit of his...
New Zealand Herald's usual Flu propaganda
Hilary Butler - Saturday, July 21, 2012
Today, the Herald printed it's usual annual flu propaganda (I've removed the URL) and a private email to the reporters who put their names to it, was returned. The Herald doesn't allow enough words on the comment facility to deal with the issues, and they only want videos or photos, not facts. Therefore, this blog will address the issues.
Addendum 22 July 2012. The HERALD removed the o...
Close-Up on whooping cough, part One.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, May 17, 2012
Close Up's programme on whooping cough, was a triumph of emotional blackmail using a cute baby with whooping cough, to push a policy which doesn't work. But worse than that, was the standard of discussion on Close up's facebook page. You know that eminence based manipulation has truly scraped the bottom of the barrel when Grant Jacobs obliquely counsels all readers not...
FDA questioned about genetically engineered HPV DNA in Gardasil worldwide.
Hilary Butler - Monday, September 05, 2011
All New Zealand samples contaminated.
A few days ago, an American organisation put on their website a copy of a letter sent to the FDA, in which they stated that thirteen samples of Gardasil from Poland, France, Spain, USA, New Zealand and Australia, made in four different Merck factories (USA, Holland, France and CSL Australia) had been tested, and found to cont...
Getting to the Point.
Hilary Butler - Monday, July 04, 2011
Perhaps this Australian documentary should have been labelled...
Totally missing the point. Or .. A bunch of Lies. Take your pick.
The Australian 60 Minutes journalist who had the responsibility for doing the research for this programme, is professionally incompetent.
You will not understand this blog unless you take the time to download all the full text medical articles, ...
Everyone knows who dunnit...
Hilary Butler - Sunday, June 26, 2011
Did you know that the Kahui twins were actually triplets? Funny how so few media get that point. It's a very important one, but perhaps the 'why' of that, is for another blog. You know, the easiest thing for Macsyna to do would have been to stay silent, and walk away. It's interesting to me how so much key information is being "left out" of the media reporting.
If the p...
Did Gardasil kill Jasmine?
Hilary Butler - Thursday, May 26, 2011
How much does the medical system know about the total hardware of the immune system, and how all parts interconnect? As you’ve seen in the last few blogs, their understanding is crucially hampered by what they now know they don’t understand. The problem is, most parents have no idea of the extent of their immunological “blindness”. Definitive knowledge of the innate immu...
A reader writes in - B4 school check
Hilary Butler - Sunday, May 22, 2011
(Anonymous) Just recently our daughter had her B4 school check. I was told that this was a comprehensive check where I would be able to discuss my concerns. Not that I had any, but we still went. On that day, our daughter wasn’t feeling great at all. She was running a temperature which later that day went up to 39.8 and she also had quite a nasty cough. As we had stopped vaccinating...
Paul Offit's Science Friction
Hilary Butler - Monday, April 25, 2011
The subject of a previous blog on Paul Offit, was his porkies in his new book "Deadly choices" Dr Offit has authored another document, where, amongst various dictatorial objectives, he wants to force yearly "exemption reviews" by a "state-approved counselor" (inquisitor/brainwasher), to brow-beat parents who chose not to vaccinate - who will no doubt then be billed by the st...
Deadly choices - Paul's porkies.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, March 03, 2011
A few days ago, I set my husband a task. To read Paul Offit’s book called, “Deadly Choices How the anti-vaccine movement threatens us all” By half way through he was unamused. Beguiled by his sighs of discontent, I decided to stop my current track of writing. and start reading. Naturally I started with the Prologue, where the first sentence read; “There’s a war goi...
The coming police state?
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What's your thoughts on Full Body Scanners? That they are a total over-reaction? My reaction is pretty much the same as The Washington Times, which unlike most New Zealand newspapers, does thoughtful analyses on really meaningful topics. You all know the term, "The war on terror". This "terror" can be interpretted in many ways, but lets start with the "terror" which resu...
Twenty-five years plus is quite a long time....
Hilary Butler - Saturday, October 02, 2010
(By Peter Butler) Especially when it's been spent dealing with issues and systems governed by engrained mindsets, and heavily influenced by huge vested interests more interested in profits, than making available all of the facts ...without restriction; or providing customized care to unique individuals, rather than trying to fit everyone into their "one-size-fits-all" moulds.
Health and...
Pertussis epidemic? Or Media induced malady?.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, September 23, 2010
What epidemic? "Numbers have been on the rise since June this year, but they really spiked up in August," said Dr Alison Roberts, of the Ministry of Health' ... Hiding behind the word "epidemic", as a scare tactic, Alison Roberts continues: "We have been expecting an epidemic around now. New Zealand has a whooping cough epidemic every four to five years, and the last one started in 1999." ...
Voices and choices by Peter Butler
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, September 22, 2010
When I wrote our home education curriculum it incorporated what I consider an essential foundation stone. A lifestyle must surely include the integration of every aspect of daily living. You cannot put different issues into little boxes with an appropriate label, and then apply differing standards and values to their implementation. To do so will produce inconsistencies, double standards and hy...
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