Hilary's Desk
Jeremy Muir - Walking on barbed wire.
Hilary Butler - Friday, June 16, 2017
Yesterday, Jeremy Muir, editor of the Gisborne Herald, published this editorial. The debate started as a result of Dr Lance O’Sullivan’s public antics.
Part of the editorial says:
“If anti-vaccination protagonists cannot provide peer-reviewed research that has been published in respected journals, and not later retracted, this subject will soon be closed as a matter for ...
Johan Moreau: the elephant.
Hilary Butler - Sunday, October 16, 2016
Johan Morreau: You talk about US going to our politicians and asking them to commit to THE SOLUTIONS. The “elephant in the room” according to Johan Morreau. Presumably… “the solutions” that you espouse. You use the term “we”, therefore I am assuming that you are speaking on behalf of your colleagues and the system, and that the presentation isn&rsqu...
Merck's MMR murk - where to from here?
Hilary Butler - Thursday, August 22, 2013
These are important thinking points which come out of this case, which readers with an indepth knowledge of Merck's litany of lies in the past will appreciate.
There are the main issues:
1) The more you investigate the legal history of Merck, you wonder how anyone can have any faith in medical articles, data sheets or information presented by Merck to the public. As far as I’m conce...
Part Three: Dr Huang's Shiver's propaganda
Hilary Butler - Friday, March 15, 2013
On 6th March, 2013, Dr Huang was interviewed by Radio New Zealand.
During this interview Dr Huang emphasised that influenza could be very very serious, and stated that "in Auckland 282 babies per 100,000, were hospitalised last year". 282 hospitalizations sounds BADDDDD doesn’t it.
Serious. Nasty.
Here’s the problem with Dr Huang’s data. She used a figure which woul...
New Zealand Herald's usual Flu propaganda
Hilary Butler - Saturday, July 21, 2012
Today, the Herald printed it's usual annual flu propaganda (I've removed the URL) and a private email to the reporters who put their names to it, was returned. The Herald doesn't allow enough words on the comment facility to deal with the issues, and they only want videos or photos, not facts. Therefore, this blog will address the issues.
Addendum 22 July 2012. The HERALD removed the o...
Close-Up on whooping cough, part One.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, May 17, 2012
Close Up's programme on whooping cough, was a triumph of emotional blackmail using a cute baby with whooping cough, to push a policy which doesn't work. But worse than that, was the standard of discussion on Close up's facebook page. You know that eminence based manipulation has truly scraped the bottom of the barrel when Grant Jacobs obliquely counsels all readers not...
Can vaccines become cranial and immunological cluster bombs?
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, May 25, 2011
( Part 3 of 3 ) So what might happen when you repeatedly bombard a baby’s immune system with vaccines?
It depends whether you believe Dr Paul Offit, the king pin at the Children’s Hospital at Philadelphia and seemingly of late, the sole mouthpiece for vaccination programs and the vaccine industry in the United States, who claims that healthy infants can safely get up to 1...
Just do it
Hilary Butler - Sunday, May 01, 2011
At the core of the Health Select Committee's immunisation recommendations to Parliament,( under the Chairman, Dr Paul Hutchison's name), is Nikki Turner’s Six Star Plan, a document submitted "privately", which is being much talked about. Page 32 of the recommendations to Parliament report smooth-talks one issue: “Declinations to be reviewed regularly and f...
Paul Offit's Science Friction
Hilary Butler - Monday, April 25, 2011
The subject of a previous blog on Paul Offit, was his porkies in his new book "Deadly choices" Dr Offit has authored another document, where, amongst various dictatorial objectives, he wants to force yearly "exemption reviews" by a "state-approved counselor" (inquisitor/brainwasher), to brow-beat parents who chose not to vaccinate - who will no doubt then be billed by the st...
Deadly choices - Paul's porkies.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, March 03, 2011
A few days ago, I set my husband a task. To read Paul Offit’s book called, “Deadly Choices How the anti-vaccine movement threatens us all” By half way through he was unamused. Beguiled by his sighs of discontent, I decided to stop my current track of writing. and start reading. Naturally I started with the Prologue, where the first sentence read; “There’s a war goi...
How doctors don't think.
Hilary Butler - Tuesday, October 26, 2010
In his book, "How Doctor's Think", Dr Jerome Groopman describes an ultrasound doctor, who detects in a baby, inside a woman 5 weeks from giving birth, a strange shaped space inside the baby's brain which should look like a tear-drop with sharp edges, but just doesn't look quite right. Not badly wrong, but just not quite right. Because the shape is pretty near...
On "Sciblogs" and throwing stones.
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Oh the irony of it all. Peter Griffin of Sciblogs fame reckons he has H1N1. Would love to know how he knows that. After all, the only people being tested for H1N1 are those in ICU. Not even “normal” patients in the “fly-by" outpatients get tested. Perhaps he has special connections? Called in a favour maybe? Perhaps he should post the ‘laboratory pro...
On the matter of Dr Anthony J Morris.
Hilary Butler - Saturday, September 04, 2010
On the matter of Dr Anthony J Morris, my verdict on the research skills of the non-skeptics is quite simple.
I have known Dr Morris personally since 1984, so can say straight up, that PALMD, the practicising internist from the Great Lakes region of the USA, (PALMD's vitriole, pdf'd and uploaded here - just in case he tries to ever deny he said this) has research skills as useless as a mate o...
Good on you Tony!
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, July 28, 2010
In a previous blog, mention was made of North and South’s rabidly nose-in-the-air provaccine article called “The case for vaccination”. The editor, Virginia Larson stuck her personal stake in the ground, with a scathing editorial, saying, “We did not seek out the extreme anti-immunisation campaigners for “balance” because their arguments aren’...
"Refusal" to vaccinate
Hilary Butler - Saturday, July 24, 2010
While the medical profession has finally caught on, that the more "educated" a parent makes themselves on the issues around vaccination, the more likely they are to chose not to vaccinate, they are utterly offended that people can chose not to vaccinate. Furthermore, their take on the issue of "choice" is off the wall. Their solution to parents not making the 'right' choic...
When Indian doctors open their mouths...
Hilary Butler - Friday, July 09, 2010
What happens when paediatricians take a look at the disease incidence in their own country and decide that certain vaccines are not justified on epidemiological grounds? Nothing, So long as they keep their mouths shut. What happens when they look into the use of certain vaccines, and find that reactions are being covered up? Nothing. So long as they keep t...
There are no vaccine reactions.
Hilary Butler - Monday, June 14, 2010
How do we know this? Because on page 40 of the June Issue of North and South, Dr Michael Tatley from CARM tells us, “An awfully large number of people have been exposed to vaccines and if they’re as bad as some of the anti lobby are suggesting, there must be a lot of really sick people out there. And we just don’t see them.” No, CARM doesn’t see them, and most of t...
Gardasil is no sure fire protection
Hilary Butler - Saturday, June 12, 2010
Drs Hazel Lewis and John Holmes from the Ministry of Health (MOH), took an opportunity in the Herald letters to the editor to “swipe” an article called “Jab no surefire protection” which they maintain undermines an important health initiative. Never mind that the article was based on a Ministry of Health press release, and gave no negative information about the Gar...
A Pair of pillocks
Hilary Butler - Thursday, June 10, 2010
London Time’s headline shrieks: “Leading scientist accuses doctors of increasing fear of vaccines” When are scientists going to understand that they don’t know everything, and the world doesn’t revolve around their myopic thought patterns? Why is the primary aim of scientists to make everyone conform to their own thinking. Why do they assume that, “For ...
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