“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Hilary's Desk

An enlightened April Fool

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 01, 2010
April 1, 2010, 10.30.a.m. Atlanta GA, USA. At a press conference held at Capitol Hill today, CDC spokesthing, I. M. A. Robot handed out a press release taking responsibility for deaths and huge numbers of autoimmunity from the Gardasil vaccine, as well as the epidemic of autism, and for covering up brain damage in children, and adults from aluminium, thiomersal and other vaccine ingredients. "W...

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Reply Number two to Paul Hutchison

Hilary Butler - Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dear Paul,  On rethinking your email to me, and given that you are our electorate member of parliament, I feel I need to address a few issues to you more thoroughly. You say: Dear Hilary The Herald article was written by Adam Bennett. Mr Bennett has made it clear that those with a documented 'conscientious objection' would not be penalised. I absolutely agree with this. (As I am sure you are a...

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First reply to Paul Hutchison

Hilary Butler - Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dear Paul, Thank you for your reply. Have you read my submission to the select committee yet? Have you read the OTHER submissions? I completely disagree with your statements in the paper and your proposed approach to vaccination. Furthermore, I completely disagree with the tenet that parents should have some “conscientious objection” signed off at the whim of a doctor. Vaccination should be an...

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Paul Hutchison replies.

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Dear Hilary The Herald article was written by Adam Bennett. Mr Bennett has made it clear that those with a documented 'conscientious objection' would not be penalised. I absolutely agree with this. (As I am sure you are aware there can be rare but real side effects from immunisation). What is without doubt, is that the benefits of achieving herd immunisation far outweigh the disadvantages. (The...

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Vaccine Awareness: do you need to be bribed?

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Regarding your article “cash lure to be vaccinated”.  Either Paul Hutchison has been misinformed, or has misinformed you. The payment Australian parents receive isn’t a “cash lure”. The key words are “without good reason”. Any Australian parent who makes an active choice NOT to vaccinate and has a filed objection, receives any of the “incentives” or “payments” related to immunization, tha...

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A reasonable request

Hilary Butler - Monday, February 01, 2010
The original versions of three documents on this website, relating to Jasmine Renata, have been taken down, amended and replaced, after receipt of a letter signed by Mark Beech and Amy Scott of Sharp Tudhope solicitors, acting on behalf of Radius Medical Solutions. Their perfectly reasonable request was that a specific doctor’s name mentioned on the report card, supplementary data and in the m...

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On the matter of the Lancet retraction

Hilary Butler - Monday, February 01, 2010
The Lancet has retracted the 1998 paper (1). Now, all the pillorying and slandering of Andrew Wakefield will start in earnest. The question is, "How does Richard Horton manage to go to sleep each night?". And here's why.  In 2004, the Lancet "partially" retracted the paper, on the basis that Andrew Wakefield never declared to the Lancet, financial conflicts of interest. When confronted in front...

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WHOs Uber tax.

Hilary Butler - Friday, January 29, 2010
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse for WHO, it has. Perhaps they looked at the amount of money Bill Gates was slinging around at vaccines over the next ten years, and thought..."Well, if he gets that much from selling computers, then think how much we can rake off people who USE his computers, however they use them!!?!!"  Voila. Brilliant... What an idea. Let's tax every email, all int...

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Be a good little early bird please?

Hilary Butler - Monday, January 25, 2010
You know the old saying, “where there’s smoke there’s fire”. In the World Health Organisation’s case, it’s a blazing inferno. Not only is Dr Fukuda fighting for WHO’s reputation through clenched teeth, he appears not to realise just how deep is the hole he’s digging for himself is. What Fukuda also forgets is that not everyone is ignorant to the machinations of drug companies, so let’s take a w...

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More WHO swine flu porkies.

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, January 20, 2010
On 14th January 2010, the WHO put out a press release stating that they had not changed the definition of pandemic mid-way through the Swine flu, in order to ramp up sales of an unnecessary vaccine for a virus which did not fit their previous definition of the word "pandemic". Their porky comes after a European governing body announced a formal investigation of WHO for consistently scaremongeri...

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A fourth death in Gardasil age group

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Thanks to an observant reader of the blog, who sent me this link, a fourth "mysterious" death has come to light. There is a new term for these deaths. They are being called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". So there you go. What this means is you shouldn't be surprised when a "child" of any age, dies in their sleep But here's the rub. The one common feature is that all these dying adolescents are i...

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But let's get rid of alternative medicine!

Hilary Butler - Monday, January 18, 2010
We all like things to be safe, and whatever we buy, or accept from a doctor, to not kill people, right? However, in a place called reality land, there is a move afoot to ban alternative medicine, supplements and herbal medicines, because they don't have randomised controlled studies proving safety, efficacy and need! Ironic isn't it. In this particular world, Ernst et al, and the Goldacre's an...

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The limitations of Gardasil safety trials

Hilary Butler - Monday, January 18, 2010
We've all heard how wonderfully safe Gardasil is. The many trials that were done, and blended into one. The literature brims with glowing recommendations, with only a few inconsiderate pesky naysayers getting in the way of the the vaccine publicity machine. When the vaccine was first licensed it took me MONTHS to read the first major Gardasil FDA 060806.pdf, as well as locate the others. Now, y...

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Will there be a whitewash, or action?

Hilary Butler - Sunday, January 17, 2010
The likely response from the Ministry of Health will be mathematical platitudes to the tune of lots of cervical cancer prevented; X percentage of adolescents have received (the first shot of) Gardasil, and X number of doses have been given, blah blah blah. But that’s a sop, and not nearly good enough. We’ve heard it all before, and we know it’s not what parents see. Twenty three years ago, wit...

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Hilary Butler - Thursday, January 14, 2010
Jasmine was a very healthy girl, with no history of any health issues at all. After her first Gardasil vaccine (NJ02260) on 18th September, Jasmine broke out with warts on her hands, and her skin and moods changed. The warts were burned off of the 20th October, and didn’t come back. After the second vaccine (NJ11440) on 18th November , her moods were worse, and the warts were back within two we...

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Hilary Butler - Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Stevie had a history of being born premature, tonsils and appendix out; left alternating extropia, (which got worse after Gardasil); allergy to citrus, and like her brother, didn’t handle the babyhood vaccines easily. She spiked high temperatures and cried a lot. Stevie also has an anti-trypsin MZ type deficiency, which meant that she was often prescribed antibiotics early in infections or they...

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Challenge dechallenge rechallenge

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ever heard of something called “challenge”, “dechallenge” … “rechallenge” (CDR)? It goes like this. Give a person like me, antibiotics (challenge), and the body happens to go nuts. Big rash (urticaria). But as a doc you aren’t sure, so you stop the drug for a while (dechallenge), and then give it again (rechallenge). Result = Big rash, face and neck swells and I can't breath. The rechallenge pr...

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Dollars and Sense

Hilary Butler - Sunday, January 10, 2010
New uber expensive cancer drugs like Taxol, Tarceva (the price was increased because it worked better than expected) Avastin, (at a cost of $100,000 for a year in 2006) , and Herceptin (costing $NZ100.000 for a year in 2007), have one thing in common with Gardasil. Gardasil wasn’t priced the way vaccines normally are. In concert with the manner in which price is set for cancer drugs, Gardasil ...

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Part Eight Gardasil and Mark Probert

Hilary Butler - Sunday, January 10, 2010
Yes, Mark we were waiting for the first utterance from vaccine defenders.  1.         The Renata's are actually PRO-vaccine... that's why the girl got vaccinated... she trusted vaccines... she trusted the system... in fact all of those affected by vaccines were pro-vaccine... otherwise they wouldn't have been vaccinated.   2.         If symptoms appear soon after a medication of any kind is it...

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